The G7 Master Certification is Idealliance’s industry-leading collection of requirements for achieving visual consistency across all print processes around the world.
Idealliance G7 Master Facility Qualification is a three-level compliance program which includes a G7 Grayscale Compliance, a G7 Targeted Compliance, and a G7 Colorspace Compliance. In order to have your facility credited with the certification, it must pass all compliance requirements. Learn more about each individual compliance here: https://connect.idealliance.org/g7/about/masterqualified
To summarize, the G7 Master Qualification means that the commercial printing facility that maintains the certification has calibrated the right equipment and systems to achieve G7 gray balance and neutral tone curves that can deliver G7 proofs and print output.
By integrating the G7 technique, printing companies are able to implement ISO printing standards, maintain a consistent neutral color appearance across all products and target gray balance and tonality by aligning all processes, substrates, and inks.

Solo Printing has acquired the G7 Master Qualification, ensuring that our facility is displaying top color management, device alignment, and standardization capabilities to service the worldwide print and packaging supply chains.
A physical facility receives G7 Master Qualification. Therefore, Solo Printing maintains a G7 Master Certified commercial printing facility.
So, why does this matter?
The advantages of having a G7 Master facility are synonymous with a successful, full-service print operation. Print products are consistent, which helps keep our customers’ brands intact and uniformed, while simultaneously building company loyalty and repeat customers for our Solo Printing. The G7 Master certification also leads a printing company’s expenditures to decrease because of its reduction in paper waste and ink usage.
For Printing Companies:
Part of the G7 Master Certification is ensuring that a press prints neutral tones properly. This then allows other colors to come into line without difficulty or delay, regardless of the printing method.
Those looking to print marketing collateral or products for their businesses are most often interested in suppliers who maintain the G7 certification. Because of this, a printing company who maintains the G7 certification can trust that the clientele base they are acquiring can grow into ideal repeat customers.
For Our Customers:
Trust that the products you print with Solo Printing are of the highest quality and will display color consistently throughout every single job. By becoming G7 certified, we ensure that our facility is maintaining press efficiency, sustainability practices with minimized paper waste, and reduced cost offerings for our clients.
Learn more about our certifications by visiting our certifications page.
If you have any questions, contact us via our form submission page.